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Weekly Girls Empowerment class continues to grow and shine!

One of the programs we are involved in is a weekly Girls Empowerment class held each Saturday in Kibera, Kenya. This first launched in July 2018 with a credentialed teacher, Michelle! Michelle facilitates various topics to include peer pressure, self worth, leadership, and more!

In December, our first cohort completed 40 hours of Girls Empowerment and earned a certificate of completion which was very exciting. Michelle also awarded some special certificates for Best Journal Entry from a contest she held and a perfect attendance certificate! With your support, each girl received another monthly supply of pads and the Perfect Attendance award came with purple storage bucket filled with fun snacks, pens, a notebook, clothes washing powder, and bar soaps. Even though each of the girls receive underwear, pads, washcloths, and bar soap as part of the program, the purple bucket was extra special for the focused commitment of the student!

The Girls Empowerment class is important and we are so glad you have partnered with us to provide it or might consider it! It provides a safe space for the girls to be within the weekend and at a time of day where idle time could bring about other inappropriate activities, they are learning about best approaches to the issues that impact their life, making connections and support networks with other girls in the community, receiving something to eat (which can be a challenge over the weekend and outside of the school week), and receiving menstrual hygiene items such as pads, underwear, soaps and wash cloths (which also supports their attendance at school)

You can be part of helping these girls to continue to shine! If you are good at writing lesson plans for such topics, you can e mail them to us and we will share those with Michelle! If you would like to help the snack to be available, you can give online . You can also support the continuation of pad distribution, undies, bar soaps and wash cloths by giving online as well!

The girls look forward to the Saturday class all week long and they want you to know how much they appreciate your help in making it available to them! Thank you! Asante Sana!

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