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Global Leadership Conference | 2019

We would love to thank Operation Smile for their invitation to be a speaker at their Annual Global Leadership Conference held at Wake Forest University on July 18th. The conference theme this year was "Chaos, finding adventure in the face of adversity" and we had a great time in our sessions with the participants. Even though Operation Smile and The Angaza Project have very different missions, Operation Smile welcomed us to share our work around the world so the participants can see what else is happening on the global stage. Not all of the conference participants are from the medical field so this was a perfect opportunity to meet, greet, and be part of their big event!

With over 500 young global leaders from around the world in different break out sessions, our sessions maxed out with some even taking a seat on the floor! The participants were very active and involved in the discussions we held and we look forward to having some of them reach back out once they get back to their home countries or states to get involved with us in empowering women around the world to shine through economic and education opportunities! We also enjoyed meeting and greeting the other two conference speakers that involved clean water around the world and another women's empowerment group that serves the communities in California, USA. This opportunity brought The Angaza Project two more friendly organizational contacts to know and consider for sharing information and opportunities in the future.

In the sessions, President & Founder Jennifer Wiley really enjoyed being quite real about the hard work, long term (often a life time) commitment for some, and times where we encounter unexpected events or situations in project work and how to work through them with those we serve. It continues to build experience, the team, and it provides answers to draw from in the future! Jennifer shared a slide show of each of the organizations activities, stories of the girls and women served, the importance of building local community relationships within the service areas that form with trust and time, and the need to always leave room for self care in our long term work.

Thank you Operation Smile for your invitation to be a conference speaker the 2019 Global Leadership Conference and also to Wake Forest University for hosting it!

We also thank Board Director Needham Wiley Jr. for making several hundred goody-bags for the conference participants!

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