Set a goal and make plans to succeed!

Our Girls Empowerment has been spending time on lessons about goal setting and determining what is actually needed to reach their goal. All of our girls have a long term goal to not just complete High School, but also score high on the national exams in Form 4 (12th grade) so they can continue their studies or work in the industry of their interest. Our Founder Jennifer's friends from a wide variety of industries are always bringing new opportunities for the girls to think about. Our girls never forget our visitors due to the meaningful impact they each have. When we ask the girls what they want to do in the future, it is no longer just an empty statement of something they want to be without knowing what is actually required to reach that position. Our Career Connections allows the girls to connect with their career goal early on while still in high school through real people in those positions. The steps to reach that position have become real to them and it sets the stage for serious motivation.

Today was an important day for us here at The Angaza Project, because our girls have connected with Dr. Truphie Kwaka Sumba of St. Paul's University (left), Madam Racey Muchilwa, the Country Head and President of Sub-Saharan Africa in Pharmacy (right) and Madam Faith Mwaura- a Banking Official (middle)! These ladies have given the girls even more to think about. Some of our girls are now interested in becoming the Principal of a University, they see it IS possible as they connected with Dr. Truphie as a woman in leadership. Two of our girls who were highly interested in health research to find cures for problems in the world were extremely excited to connect with Racey who is a woman in leadership for Pharmacy in our region. And.... we have a future banker among us.... after hearing from Madam Faith, there is no changing her mind now! Dr. Truphie, Madam Racey and Madam Faith also took time to share the importance of choosing friends wisely and focusing on their goal when faced with peer pressures. There will be challenges in their path, sure, but their motivation and their why is bigger than any of it, plan to succeed! The way we think now and today won't be the same next year or 3 years from now or 10 years after that. What was a worry or challenge "back then" will seem not so big later on, but only because of the problem solving muscle gained from navigating it. The girls were asked to write a letter to themselves on all of this and then find someone to keep it and return it to them in a set amount of time which, for us, will be High School graduation day. For them to read back what was a challenge "back then" will help them see they have grown their problem solving skills and got through it so as they face new challenges ahead- they truly know they can do the same.
Many career paths require additional training or studies beyond High School which we cannot leave out of our conversation. Our girls that want to be an author and University Director like Truphie, a female leader in Pharmacy like Racey or work in the Financial industry like Faith, they will need to continue their formal education beyond High School. Having the University represented with two leading ladies in industry, together today, was a true highlight for today's session! The girls were able to connect the requirements and see the path to get there right in front of them. Our girls empowerment is looking forward to a field trip to St. Paul's University campus for a college/university visit in the near future. In addition, our later Form 3's and Form 4's also participate in our Nuru Leadership Initiative where they are able to open their own teen level bank account. It is never too early for financial literacy, responsibility, and seeing how it all connects.
The Angaza Project would like to thank St. Paul's University Director Truphie Kwaka Sumba, Madam Racey Muchilwa the Country Head and President of Sub-Sahara Africa in Pharmacy, and Madam Faith Imani, Banking Official for their generous time today. Our girls continue to ask about you and look forward to seeing you again.
Of the programs The Angaza Project offers, one of them is our Shining Brighter Scholars program. This is a scholarship program designed to support young women from Kibera to go to Training, College or University. If you are interested in supporting a scholarship at the Training, College, or University level, and making a difference in her life, please reach out to us at We would be glad to share more information with you about our work in Kenya! We want you to be part of it!
