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Partnering to provide employment skills

We are excited about our partnership with a long time friend in the Kibera, Kenya community- George's Sandals! George is considered to be a master crafter of these beaded sandals and he has grown his shop and business over the last 20 years. George creates designs with beads and the beaded designs are then placed upon sandals (or some may call them flip flops). He is willing to teach the women in our skills classes how to bead for the shoes so he can begin to outsource the bead work to them for his shop. The Angaza Project is going to be selling the flip flops in the United States that the women have beaded or helped to bead and we will profit share back to him for this product. The remainder of the profit will be turned back into the projects and services of The Angaza Project. We have even created a partner stamp that will be stamped into the heel of the sandal so you know you have an authentic pair of George's!

Stay tuned on how you can buy a pair where the benefit will go three fold (one to women in our program who he pays to bead, George who makes the rest of the sandal and the remainder of profit is turned back into the services of The Angaza Project).

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