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Maridadi Skills Teachers made 480 masks to date!

Since our Maridadi Skills Teachers re-purposed the skills space to mask making from the COVID-19 outbreak, they have made 480 masks to date using the fabrics and materials the friends of The Angaza Project provided.

We continue to give them out in the community for free on a daily basis (we just have to be more calculated when passing them off due to the ban of issuing of anything in the community). After the masks are chalk marked on the fabric, cut, pinned and then sewn together, they are taken to the Maridadi Skills Teachers shoe shop for the elastic to be added. His heavy duty shoe machine does an incredible (and quick) job of sewing in and reinforcing the thicker elastic we were able to find to make the masks.

When curfew begins at 7 PM, Mr. George is still able to be in our project location working on them since he lives right next door to us! Being in the same locked compound has its advantages in a time like this so there is no curfew violation taking place while we work to still help the community.

The talent and skill level of our Maridadi Skills Teachers (George and Bernard) is unmatched! When you can go from making the worlds most beautiful beaded sandals to re-purposing to making masks (something not done before) and get it perfect, that is true talent and skill right there!

This was only possible due to the friends of The Angaza Project, Asante sana sana rafikis! (thank you much friends)

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