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Girls Empowerment meets the TALTO team!

We appreciated our visit from TALTO today! Did you know.........

* 65% of women and girls are unable to access menstruation materials over cost and availability

* 50% of girls report they are not comfortable discussing menstruation in the open at home

* 12% of girls reported that are comfortable asking a parent or guardian about it (leaving 88% uncomfortable to do so and then don’t ask)

* 1 in 4 girls do not associate the connection of menstruation to pregnancy

* And 2 of 3 girls in the outskirts of the city report they obtain pads through sexual partners (exchange situations)

Education about menstruation, proper products, hygiene, and the connection of menstruation to pregnancy are important topics that are covered in our Girls Empowerment. Today, we had the pleasure of working with the TALTO group (The Altruistic Life Team Organization) of Kibera! This team of 10 young college students and entrepeneurs have come together to support the education and health of young girls in Kibera. The group conducted a lesson on menstruation and the different products the girls might come across in their life. Since there are more products that have been introduced in Kenya over the years, TALTO covered several so that way the girls would at least understand the benefits of each and be able to make an informed decision in the future. In addition, TALTO also covered the connection of menstruation to pregnancy and the 28 day cycle.

In the week leading up to TALTO's visit, their team raised enough pads (locally) for each girl to receive two packs which is so much appreciated! We appreciate our partnership with TALTO and we are grateful to serve the community together!

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